Johnson County NAACP Presents I’m So Glad Project

From its pre-Civil War roots to today, Kansas City’s unique style of gospel music has influenced every other genre of American music. And it has sustained the people with its positive message, “I’m So Glad, Trouble Don’t Last Always.”

The I’m So Glad Project is a film and series of events focused on gospel music that are being created to preserve, promote and celebrate this amazing music and the people who make it. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and preserve history. See you there!



Stay after the I’m So Glad film for a panel discussion with the following:

  • Nakia Hope, with the Old Quindaro Museum
  • Angela Ward, jazz pianist who appears in the film
  • Isaac Cates, internationally known Gospel music artist and narrator of the film. (His grandfather was president of the Kansas NAACP in the 1950s and was a friend of MLK.)
  • Paul Wenske, Director of the filmThe discussion will be moderated by Chris Wenske, videographer and editor of the film.