
Youth Council Open House

Youth Council Open House

Hello! My name is Kaleb High and I am the Youth Council President of the Johnson County Chapter of the NAACP! Thank you so much for your interst in joining! The next generation of civil rights leaders is making waves now. Young people under of all ages are leading...

I’m so glad projecT

I’m so glad projecT

Johnson County NAACP Presents I'm So Glad Project From its pre-Civil War roots to today, Kansas City's unique style of gospel music has influenced every other genre of American music. And it has sustained the people with its positive message, "I'm So Glad, Trouble...

Back-2-School Supply Drive

Back-2-School Supply Drive

The JCNAACP is asking members to help with donations to “Stuff the Cruiser”. View locations below to drop off collections or to volunteer. If you would like to help volunteer or for additional information, contact President Jay Holbert at...

Juneteenth Freedom Celebration

Juneteenth Freedom Celebration

*Registration is not required, but encouraged.  Saturday, June 17th from 4 pm - 7 pm Harmon Park Partnering with Stand Up for Black Lives + Prairie Village Food, vendors, and a free concert

JoCo Legislative Lunch & Learn

JoCo Legislative Lunch & Learn

Johnson County Legislative Lunch & Learn Find Out How Actions in the Capitol Affect You!  Our public representatives in the statehouse were elected to serve our best interests. Sometimes how that plays out is puzzling or unclear. Come hear our elected officials’...

WyCo Legislative Lunch & Learn

WyCo Legislative Lunch & Learn

Wyandotte County Legislative Lunch & Learn Find Out How Actions in the Capitol Affect You!  Our public representatives in the statehouse were elected to serve our best interests. Sometimes how that plays out is puzzling or unclear. Come hear our elected officials’...

PV’s 2nd Annual I have a dream event

PV’s 2nd Annual I have a dream event

Prairie Village’s Second Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.“I Have a Dream [Home]” Action & Celebration EventWorking to better know and welcome our diverse neighbors [Prairie Village, Kansas, January 3, 2023] — As part of our city’s campaign to better know and...

Political Candidate Forum

Political Candidate Forum

October 08, 2022 at Shawnee Mission Park Shelter #1 You don't want to miss out on this non-partisan event. We have 32 candidates and counting confirmed to attend the event.  Prior to eating donuts and drinking coffee with the candidates, join JCNAACP members for a...

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

We're Stronger Together Fighting breast cancer is very personal to Women in the NAACP, and that’s why we have joined the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer movement in our community. You can support it too by helping us reach (or exceed!) our fundraising goal of...

Redlined Exhibit Tour

Redlined Exhibit Tour

Tour dates and times: Friday, October 14th at 4pm or 6pm Join the JCNAACP for a tour at the Johnson County Museum RSVP to Wandra Minor at 913-226-5046 or Susan at 816-646-4158



Saturday, June 18th from 4 pm - 8 pm Harmon Park Partnering with Stand Up for Black Lives + Prairie Village Food, vendors, and a free concert by James Ward Band See image attachment