Leading the fight for equality in Johnson County, Kansas

Ensure black lives are a priority in all spaces.

We Need You In the Fight

General Membership Meetings
1st Saturday of Each Month

Shawnee Church of the Nazarene – 5539 Quivira Rd., Shawnee, KS

General Membership Meetings

1st Saturday of Each Month (Following Saturday if a Holiday)

March is Reading Awareness Education Month. We will have Bryan Voell of the Johnson County Libraries join us as our guest speaker. He will share with us information about on-line resources, GED classes, computer assistance resources, new books, and more. 

Shawnee Church of the Nazarene

5539 Quivira Rd

March 1st at 12pm

Upcoming Events

JoCo Branch Elections

To All Branch Members, To all branch members in “good standing” who want to be placed in nomination for a 2 year term as an officer or executive committee member.  Branch elections will be held electronically on Saturday, November 2, 2024. Any member in “good...


This document is an informational tool for your community support on behalf of JCNAACP.  If you’re a member of JCNAACP, we encourage you to attend one of the City Council meeting in your area monthly.


We need you in the fight.

About Us

We develop and support leaders.


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